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Man met bril

Nicole 'La' Pol

With my magic tools I help you experience who you really are, why you are there and what you can do

Developing awareness and leadership about who you are, why you are there and what your talents are, is developing indispensable life skills. As a Fairy Tale Woman, I invite you to connect with your real self, with your unique soul. I guide you to a life and work that gives YOU meaning, in which YOU come into your own and can make YOUR contribution to the world. From freedom, satisfaction, imagination, pleasure, self-recognition, self-love, self-expression and self-awareness. I teach you 'the art of living' and guide you to your mission and inner strength. I do this with, among other things, the Mission and Talent Game, psychodrama, constellations, NLP, meditation/mindfulness. I teach and guide from personal experience and am specializing in a Spiritual approach to Transition. I call it (T)transition coaching - especially for women in perimenopause and menopause, who want to develop their EI leadership from wisdom, crone power and authentic creativity. #nocompromises In addition, I organize and supervise an annual retreat/coach trip to Cornwall with a team of 4 people: the Mystical Power Journey ( I also supervise a bimonthly Mystical Power Circle, together with Jennie Rekers from Mystical Mission. In 2024 I will organize my first Mission and Talent Play workshops in one day and the first Transition Café in Limburg. I am a driven crone with an immense creative power, which you could unlock within yourself through me. Welcome, Hero, to my enchanting fairytale world. Be open to the magic of life and know... reality is the greatest fairy tale! #fempowerment #eviction #fairytalecoaching

average rating is 3 out of 5

Coach name:



Valkenburgerweg 46P, 6367 GW Voerendaal, Nederland




Practical information

Encounter type:

Online and Physical

Group form:

Group and private

Treated on location:

At any location


Dutch, English


Talentenspel coach, assistent-psychodramaturg, NLP basis, chakra coach, communicatiewetenschapper (drs.), bachelor in economie en talen


Variërend van €65 - €85,-

Professional association:


7 years


With my magic tools I help you experience who you really are, why you are there and what you can do

Forms of therapy

· Chakra therapie
· Creatieve therapie
· Dramatherapie
· Energetisch kunstenaar
· Existentiële therapie
· Familieopstellingen
· Life coaching
· Meditatie
· Mindfulness
· NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming
· Organisator events
· Organisator retraites / reizen
· Personal coaching
· Transformatiecoaching
· Business- en team coaching
· Coaching

I offer help with

· Seeking more self-confidence or self-love.
· I have a trauma and need help.
· I want to get out of my head and find myself.
· I want to discover my life purpose.
· I want to meet like-minded people.

My message to the world

Make your life a fairytale


Please contact

Nicole 'La' Pol


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average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 150 votes, Reviews



average rating is 3 out of 5


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