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Aram Merlijn

Registered Professional Therapist, specialized in working with drama therapy and schema therapy, shamanism and psychedelic supported therapy.

My practice is a safe and compassionate place for individuals and groups to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-healing. My therapeutic approach focuses on various life challenges such as processing trauma or loss, depression and burnout, fear and insecurity, problems surrounding relationships and sexuality, questions about career, identity and meaning. I use a combination of currents. Drama therapy and schema therapy are supported by somatic exercises, breath work and energetic treatment. There is also the option to follow a psychedelic-supported therapy process. These movements reinforce each other into a holistic whole. Are you stuck in life in any way and are you looking for someone who can support and guide you as you walk your authentic journey towards personal growth? I'd love to walk with you for a while.

Coach name:

Aram Merlijn


Hunnenweg 4, 6224 JP Maastricht, Nederland




Practical information

Encounter type:

Online and Physical

Group form:

Group and private

Treated on location:

At any location


Dutch, English


Vaktherapie Drama - Hogeschool Zuyd | Schematherapie basis & vervolgtraining - Academie voor Schematherapie | Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Facilitator - Experiential Training Institute | Docent & Regisseur - Toneelacademie Maastricht | Jaartraining Sjamanisme - De Nieuwetijdsjamaan


€95 per uur

Professional association:



8 years of experience


Registered Professional Therapist, specialized in working with drama therapy and schema therapy, shamanism and psychedelic supported therapy.

Forms of therapy

· Ademwerk
· Bedrijfs- /groepsbegeleiding
· Business- en team coaching
· Coaching
· Cognitieve gedragstherapie
· Dramatherapie
· Energetische therapie
· Familieopstellingen
· Gesprekstherapie
· Holistische therapie
· Magnetiseren
· Psychodramatherapie
· Rouwverwerking rouwbegeleiding
· Schaduwwerk
· Schematherapie
· Shamanisme (sjamanisme) workshops en coaching
· Therapie / coaching met ademhalingswerk
· Therapie /ceremonies met Kambo, Bufo, Truffels of PsiloFlora
· Transpersoonlijke therapie
· Traumaverwerking
· Traumatherapie
· Visualisaties
· Voice dialogue
· Zijnsgeoriënteerde begeleiding
· Plantmedicijn ceremonies
· Breathwork

I offer help with

· Resolve a complaint.
· Seeking more self-confidence or self-love.
· I have a trauma and need help.
· I want to address or learn something related to sexuality.
· I want to get out of my head and find myself.
· I want to discover my life purpose.
· I want to meet like-minded people.

My message to the world

Walking your own path is what makes you happy and what you want to go for. Developing yourself further as a person starts by seeing life's setbacks and crisis moments as an opportunity to grow. And that can only arise from connection with your Self and your environment. Your own inner compass is your best advisor. Learning to read and follow this compass is the art of reconnecting with your own source of knowledge, intuition and strength. And to get there we have to go beyond the comfort zone, into undiscovered territory.


Please contact

Aram Merlijn


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average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 150 votes, Reviews



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