Pauline Streutjens
Coaching focused on personal development
I coach/guide you in your personal development. This includes clarifying your patterns and how you can deal with them differently. Feeling more, less in your head and more in your body. You can go into depth with yourself through a 1:1 coaching process for 3 months or a separate coaching conversation. I often combine the casual conversations with tarot. Tarot & coaching exposes patterns and provides direction, confirmation, insight and clarity. Not a prediction of the future, but a leggings focused on your inner self and your process. You can then continue with what emerged from the conversation/assessment. It is often also a first step in the coaching process.
Coach name:
Paulines Coaching
Sittard, Nederland
Practical information
Encounter type:
Online and Physical
Group form:
Treated on location:
In own practice
Dutch, English
Basiscoach, stress & Burn Out coach en verschillende cursussen in tarot
Coachtraject 3 maanden 1:1 = 725 euro. Tarot & Coaching = 65 euro
Professional association:
5 years
Coaching focused on personal development
Forms of therapy
· Coaching
· Life coaching
· Mental coaching
· Personal coaching
· Tarot readings
I offer help with
· Resolve a complaint.
My message to the world
Do you want to: Clarify and break patterns, so that you can feel more, stay with your feelings and live better? I support you in your process, hold up a mirror to you and empower you. My coaching is down to earth, direct and loving. I'll take you to the heart of the matter. If you like, I use the tarot as a coaching tool. The cards add something to the coaching and give you insight, confirmation, direction and clarity. No predictions but concrete answers aimed at your current personal development. Would you like to meet? You are welcome ♥️
Please contact
Pauline Streutjens
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